Living Vivaciously Consulting offers SpaJama Parties for the Soul

Spa parties and retreats for women are taking off as a hot new trend across the country, and for good reason. They help women relax, renew, and work on self-improvement. Houston-based Livin Vivaciously Consulting offers SpaJama W.O.R.K.S., a mobile, spiritual "boot camp" spa party and retreat that provides women and teen girls a chance to feel secure, let their guard down, and focus on becoming spiritually and emotionally equipped to persevere past struggle to success, all while wearing their favorit pajamas.

"Many women and teens don't even realize how often they engage in self-sabotage. They concentrate on the negatives, and in the process, tear down their spirit", explains Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, Living Vicaciously Consulting president and retreat facilitator. The SpaJama W.O.R.K.S. experience is a girlfriend getaway that helps participants transform those struggles and mindsets and embrace Bakre's concept of iSPA - "I Speak and Practice Abundance".

About Living Vivaciously Consulting

Living Vivacouldy Consulting, founding by Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, has a mission of being a "spiritual spa of Impowerment for the inner and outer you." Bakre is available for keynote speaking engagements, facilitation of SpaJama W.O.R.K.S. retreats, Executive/Life Coaching and media interviews. To learn more about SpaJama W.O.R.K.S. and Nekisha-Michelle, check out