Entrepreneurs Kimi Rhochelle (Fields-Porter) of PorterFields and Advertisement4u and Sean Jones of SLJ Pro Audio Services in Rancho Cucamonga joins forces to create the first full color, high quality ethnic publication that will exclusively serve the Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

The purpose: "to give positive exposure of African American families, entrepreneurs, seniors, youth, singles through a gorgeous periodical….to empower the African American person that will then empower others which in turn can make powerful changes within their local communities!" states Kimi Rhochelle.

Urban Lyfestyles Magazine is a monthly 5.5 x 8.5 must have periodical that will feature vital stories, information, news and spotlights of local persons that we walk amongst daily. From political, corporate and business entities to entertainment, music, health and beauty, Urban Lyfestyles Magazine will specifically speak to the local communities from the local person(s) that are making it happen.

"This have been a vision of mine for over 10 years and I am excited about having the opportunities to help African American businesses, entrepreneurs and those wanting to become business owners…showing successful people that we can see, touch and talk to will show that visions can come true!" states Sean Jones.